Monday, March 5, 2012


As a habit I skip YogaX.  Before today I'd only even watched 20 min of the dvd.  Today I manned up.  The vinyasas kicked my @$$ like usual, but I hung in there.  I didn't do all of them and that whole "Kick your leg through" thing.. Well, that's just not gonna happen.  I'm sure my form wasn't great, I took a couple breaks and got back to it.  

What I didn't know is that the vinyasas was only 1/2 of the workout.  The second half is balance poses! OMG So much fun.  Seriously.  I was better at them than I thought I would be.  I'm sure anyone who has ever really done yoga would laugh (or cry) at my form, but I was so proud of myself.   I did this

For real.  I can't even tell you how much of a bad ass I thought I was in that moment.  

I tried to do this.. but fell.. repeatedly.  Some things are not for me.  

The baby woke up and I still had 30 min left.  I watched the rest so I could know what was coming up for next time.  There was a bunch of stuff that was laughable.. Backbends? Yeah, I'll be skipping that, but I'm not dreading YogaX anymore.  

All in all I'm pretty pleased with myself.  


  1. Glad I found your blog! I'm doing Insanity and I also blog about it.

    Keep going girl, you're gonna love your new body!

    1. One of these days.. in like, 60lbs I'm gonna try Insanity!
