Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 4 Day 25

I know, my days and my weeks don't line up.  I started on a Friday.  I wasn't meaning to start, but I did.. and before I knew it I had 10 days.  I'd never made it that far and hell if I was going to start over on a Monday at that point! This is the beginning of week 4.  This is a "rest" week (I use that term loosely) There are 2 YogaX workouts (ha!),  2 X Stretch workouts (I can honestly say I've never even watched this dvd.) 2 days of core synergistics (hun?) and 1 day of KenpoX (yay something I can do!)

So,  I hit trusty ol' Youtube.  This is what I found.  HAHAHAHA.. Oh man.. it's gonna be a week. I can't do this stuff.  Like, any of it, but that's ok.. Gonna do my best and forget the rest, I guess.  I will not hit stop.. I will at least attempt every single exercise.  If I can't do it then whatever.  But I will watch the whole thing.

 I already know YogaX kicks my butt.. The plan was to sub with cardioX, but I think I'm gonna try and hang in there.  I'm just gonna skip the stuff I can't do.  Before I got discouraged and quit.. not this week.

Alright.. Now I have a plan.  YogaX is today.  I'll spread out 2 mats and hope Lila stays on hers.  (not likely)

It's Monday..Weigh in day  254.6.  Gotta break this plateau.  My low weight so far is 249.8.  It's all emotional stuff bringing me down I'm sure, this month is going to be a good one for me; I can feel it! Lila wants to go for a walk in the stroller, so we're gonna trek to the trusty Kroger before yoga-ing.

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