Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yesterday Update week 6 day 2 done!

I was at the Chiropractor (I think my chiro may be one of my favorite people in Bowling Green.. It sounds like hippie voodoo, but I am a convert!) Anyway I was sitting in the waiting area while Lila ate a chocolate and a People Magazine caught my eye.  It was one of those "half their size" issues.  One of the women on the cover weighs 140lbs now down from 256lbs.  I just hit the 140lbs lost point.  Wow.. I've lost as much as this woman weighs.  She's not small, she's perfectly average sized and looks great.  I lost a person.  Not a little person, a normal person.

And I'm still fat.  I'm less than 15lbs away from her high weight.  She hit where I was a month ago and reached her breaking point.  I reached her high weight and celebrated.

I"m gonna put Lila down for a nap then hit play.  It's plyo day again, I'm gonna do my best and forget the rest, despite the tiny tiny shard of glass that has embedded itself in my foot.

I only got 1/2 of plyo done, not because of any huge emotional break down, but Lila was insanely needy and my AC is out.. I've been sweating buckets all day!


  1. I can relate. A friend and I are supporting each other in weight loss and when I confided in her how much I weigh she told me how much she weighs and it's *exactly* half my weight. I need to lose an entire "Jessica" and I will still be overweight. It's shocking to think of it like that, a real eyeopener.

    1. *sigh* exactly lol.. Keep on Keeping on I guess :)

  2. I just wanted to say thanks for checking in on me. It really meant a lot.

    1. Of course! I'm telling you, I doing Insanity. (eventually!)
